Rainbow Rockers Curling League

Ottawa's Gay and Lesbian Friendly Curling League

Canadian Pride Curling Championship – Playdowns
We currently have 3 teams who have expressed interest to represent Ottawa at the Canadian Pride Curling Championship in St John’s Newfoundland next March13-17 – Team Taylor, Team Chow, and Team Laforge. If anyone else is interested to put a team in for nationals, please let Steve know by Monday November 6th @ noon ([email protected]) so that we can schedule Nationals Playdowns. (https://www.oddsandendscurling.ca/cpcc2024/)

Out-of-town bonspiels
You will find a listing of out of town gay bonspiels in Canada and the USA at: https://pridecurl.ca/bonspiels.html
Note that the Big Jib Draw (St John’s) bonspiel registration opens Nov 13th, and registration is currently open for Montreal’s Curling Les Phénix December bonspiel.  

Spares Rules & League Rules
Note that it is up to skips AND spares to understand our spare rules (and to pay the $5 fee immediately after the game). Please make sure you are familiar with the rules (https://rainbowrockers.org/spares-rules-2/). If there are any questions, please ask one of the executive members for clarification. The entire set of Rainbow Rockers League Rules are found at: https://rainbowrockers.org/regulations/

Holiday Banquet
Save the date for our annual Holiday Banquet, Sunday December 17th after regular curling games.

Good Curling!
RRCL Executive

Rainbow Curling – URGENT – 1 hour delay TODAY

Hello Curlers,

There was an issue at the Ottawa Curling Club overnight, which has caused a delay for our opening day. The ice will not be ready for us until 2pm today.


Today’s draws are now at 2pm & 4pm & 6pm, an hour later then originally scheduled.

Pizza will be served after the 2pm & 4pm draws. The 6pm draw will have pizza available before going on the ice … 6pm curlers, please arrive early to have a slice before your game.

Sorry for this inconvenience.
See you at the club!

RRCL Executive Team.

Season Opening games schedule

A few reminders for the Rainbow Rockers season opening this weekend:

  • LAST CALL  Beginner/Refresher clinic this Saturday Sept 30 – email:  [email protected]
  • Season Calendar posted to website:    https://rainbowrockers.org/2023-24-season-calendar/
  • Team Roster/Divisions posted to website under “Members” tab
  • Spares/Skips – please review spares rules:   https://rainbowrockers.org/spares-rules-2/
  • Promotions coordinator(s) needed !  email membership@rainbowrockers if you can help us out.
  • Round 1 schedule (Pizza to follow this Sunday games):  https://rainbowrockers.org/2023-24-round-1-schedule/
  • 1 free sheet this Sunday @5pm – email drawmaster@rainbowrockers to book it