Rainbow Rockers Curling League

Ottawa's Gay and Lesbian Friendly Curling League

Rainbow Curling – URGENT – 1 hour delay TODAY

Hello Curlers,

There was an issue at the Ottawa Curling Club overnight, which has caused a delay for our opening day. The ice will not be ready for us until 2pm today.


Today’s draws are now at 2pm & 4pm & 6pm, an hour later then originally scheduled.

Pizza will be served after the 2pm & 4pm draws. The 6pm draw will have pizza available before going on the ice … 6pm curlers, please arrive early to have a slice before your game.

Sorry for this inconvenience.
See you at the club!

RRCL Executive Team.

Season Opening games schedule

A few reminders for the Rainbow Rockers season opening this weekend:

  • LAST CALL  Beginner/Refresher clinic this Saturday Sept 30 – email:  [email protected]
  • Season Calendar posted to website:    https://rainbowrockers.org/2023-24-season-calendar/
  • Team Roster/Divisions posted to website under “Members” tab
  • Spares/Skips – please review spares rules:   https://rainbowrockers.org/spares-rules-2/
  • Promotions coordinator(s) needed !  email membership@rainbowrockers if you can help us out.
  • Round 1 schedule (Pizza to follow this Sunday games):  https://rainbowrockers.org/2023-24-round-1-schedule/
  • 1 free sheet this Sunday @5pm – email drawmaster@rainbowrockers to book it

Practice Ice @ OCC

The Ottawa Curling Club has graciously offered short practice ice time slots to the Rainbow Rockers Curling League this coming Thursday/Friday/Saturday (September21-23).

Practice ice will be available for Rainbow Rockers and OCC members at the times listed below on a first come, first served basis (no booking). Practice ice during these times will be limited to 15-20 minutes per member, dependent on demand.

  • Thursday, September 21: 3 pm to 7 pm 
  • Friday, September 22: 3 pm to 7 pm
  • Saturday, September 23: 2 pm to 6 pm

ALSO … See the post below for an update to our season.

Important Pre-Season Information/Updates


We are pleased to report that season registration is now complete and we have 42 confirmed teams this year. With 5th players included, we’ll have a record 181 league members this year, and a healthy spares list of 15-20 people. We’re also excited to welcome more than 20 new members to the league!

Thanks to all those who came out to T’s on September 13 for the registration event – it was great to catch up with folks and nice to see how excited people are to start the season (even if it means saying goodbye to summer!).  


If you’re new or relatively new to curling you are strongly encouraged to register for the pre-season Beginner’s Clinic taking place on Saturday, September 30 from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Ottawa Curling Club. The clinic will be led by experienced league members and include off-ice and on-ice instruction. There is a registration cost of $10. Some equipment may be available but you’re best to bring your own. To register, please send an email to [email protected]. The deadline to register for the Beginner’s Clinic is Saturday, September 23.


Save the date! This year the league is excited to offer an intermediate clinic for members looking to hone their skills, on Saturday, November 4 from 2-7pm at the Ottawa Curling Club. We are teaming up with Olympian and World Champion Lisa Weagle, as well as other professional and experienced coaches, to offer a clinic for intermediate level players covering both the technical and strategic aspects of the game. More details to come soon!


As in past years, the league will be providing all new members with a metallic name tag that you can choose to wear when you play. If you are a returning member and would like a replacement name tag for a fee of $10, please send an email to [email protected].


League members are responsible for having their own equipment to play (i.e., curling broom, curling shoes or slider, gripper, etc.). If you’re looking to get rid of old equipment that you have accumulated or are a new curler looking to buy used equipment, we invite you to have a look at the RRCL “Buy/Sell” spreadsheet that can also be accessed from the RRCL website. New equipment can also be purchased online or in stores (e.g., Goldline Curling store on Colonnade Road). There is no longer a Goldline store at the Ottawa Curling Club.


League games will start on Sunday, October 1st.  After each draw on opening day, we will serve pizza to all league members or spares in the club, so if you have a bye that day come on in and socialize with us. Members of the executive will be on hand after each draw to chat or answer any questions you might have.

The list of divisions and schedule for Round 1 will be available shortly. Keep an eye out for an email in the coming days!