Hello Rainbow Rockers,
Halloween is just a few days away and we wanted to let you know about our upcoming events.
Oct 30th – Halloween Contest! Get your costumes together for Sunday curling! (no glitter please)
Lots of prizes to be won … $200 cash for best team costume, $100 for the runner up team. $50 for best individual costume, $25 for the runner up! Loot bags for all. Curlers with byes are encouraged to participate.

Oct 29th (This Saturday) Beginners Clinic – 2pm-4pm. There are still spaces available for any beginners in our league or spares who want to get some private instruction (even if you attended the first clinic). Email [email protected]. Only $10.
November 5th Saturday Games Night – mark your calendars for our first euchre/rumoli games night. NOTE: All teams play on this Saturday. There will be an extra 50/50 prize at each draw! Registration details to follow.
December 18th – Christmas Banquet after curling! Hold the date.