Executive Committee




a)Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the League and as such is responsible to:

  • Call and chair all Executive Meetings;
  • Develop agenda for Executive Meetings with the Secretary;
  • Signing officer for the league;
  • Oversee the general activities of the Executive, and ensure board members are executing responsibilities;
  • Represent the League in all negotiations with the Manager of the Ottawa Curling Club;
  • In the event an executive position becomes vacant during the curling season, the President will assume the responsibilities, find a replacement to assume the position and/or distribute the workload to other executive members:
  • Respond to media and community requests and enquiries;
  • Where requested, represent the League at community events (or ensuring the participation of another executive or league member);
  • Represent the League and liaise with other Canadian and International GLBT curling organizations as required;
  • Along with the Bonspiel Coordinator and Treasurer, the President must sit on the Over the Rainbow Bonspiel organizing committee.  The President is to coordinate issues of common interest and shared responsibility, such as the use of the League bank account, negotiations with the curling club, negotiations with common sponsors etc.
  • Seek and maintain partnerships and sponsorships, where necessary and with prior approval of the Executive;
  • The President may advance motions at Executive Meetings.  The President will only vote in the event of a tie;
  • Provide all league records associated with the role of President to the Secretary for record-keeping and long-term retention.


  • The Vice-President of the League will be elected from among the Executive no later than the second meeting of the fiscal year.
  • Represent the President in his/her absence;
  • In the event the President position becomes vacant during the curling season, the Vice-President will become President and a new Vice-President will be elected from the Executive.


a)Shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the League and as such is responsible for

  • Preparing and maintaining accurate and legible financial records of the League;
  • Preparing annual Budget prior to the start of the curling season;
  • Preparing a year end financial report of income/expenses and at a minimum a mid-season interim report;
  • Collecting and depositing all member fees and revenues;
  • Issuing cheques for payment of league expenses based on Expense Records as approved by the Executive;
  • Recording monthly bank statement to the financial records;
  • Receiving and filing bank statements, deposit information and paid invoices in an orderly manner;
  • Overseeing and assisting in fundraising activities, ensuring proper internal control;
  • The Treasurer must sit on the Bonspiel Committee serving as Treasurer;
  • Recommend year end cash or prize format to the Executive for approval;
  • Provide all league records associated with the role of Treasurer to the Secretary for record-keeping and long-term retention.


a)Shall be a signing officer of the League, and be responsible for;

  • Recording accurate minutes of all meetings of the Executive, General and Special Events meetings.   Such meetings shall record date, location, attendance and significant items of discussion and decisions reached;
  • Drafting agenda for meetings based on Executive input;
  • Distributing copies of meeting minutes to Executive in a timely fashion;
  • Post or cause the posting of the weekly schedule on the draw board;
  • Under the direction of the Executive send any correspondence (Sympathy, Get Well Cards or letters) as needed;
  • Prepare an annual record of all relevant league documents.


a)Shall focus on membership relations by:

  • Ensuring all members have completed a membership form and provided contact information;
  • Ensuring team rosters are complete before the start of each season;
  • Ensuring all individual members are placed on teams or the spares list;
  • Assisting with the team rankings prior to the start of the season;
  • Assisting with the organization of the Meet and Greet registration night, curling clinics and open houses;
  • Ensuring a two-way dialogue between members and the Executive;
  • Maintaining league membership records;
  • Preparing and summarizing an annual survey of member comments and concerns and reporting results back to the Executive;
  • Working with the Webmaster to ensure the League Website is updated regularly with relevant membership information;
  • Provide all league records associated with the role of Membership Coordinator to the Secretary for record-keeping and long-term retention.


a)Shall be responsible for the Weekly 50/50 draws and assisting with the coordination of other special events, including:

  • Ensuring the required supplies, float and cashbox for the weekly 50/50 draw is available each curling day;
  • Recruiting and coordinating volunteers to assist with 50/50 draws;
  • Recommending special events for League Executive approval;
  • Assisting with the planning and organization of special events and;
  • Acting as liaison between League Volunteer and the Executive;
  • Provide all league records associated with the role of Social Events/Promotions Coordinator to the Secretary for record-keeping and long-term retention.


a)Shall be responsible for coordinating the draw and scoring system by:

  • Ensuring the draw is prepared according a standard formula, approved by the League Executive, and is based on available ice time / special event scheduling;
  • Ensuring an even distribution for teams across sheets;
  • Providing the membership with accurate and up-to-date league standings;
  • Interpreting Canadian Curling Association and Rainbow Rockers Curling League rules;
  • Acting as umpire and referee with respect to disputes;
  • Preparing a list of rules in writing for League Executive approval;
  • Providing the rules, draw and other related information to the Webmaster in a timely and accurate manner;
  • Assisting in organizing draws for events outside of regular league play (ie. Playdowns for Gay National Champoinships, Funspiels etc.);
  • Managing the ice-reservations, displaying availability and up to date booking for members on the website;
  • Assisting with the Membership Coordinator in the team rankings prior to the start of the season;
  • Keeping track of spares to ensure they are conforming with the spares rules;
  • Collect the fees from the ice-reservation and handing them over to the Treasurer after each round
  • Send a reminder to the skips who have used a spare twice in a round;
  • Provide all league records associated with the role of Draw Master to the Secretary for record-keeping and long-term retention.


a)Shall be responsible for the planning, organization and operations of the annual Over the Rainbow Bonspiel, specifically:

  • Establishing a Bonspiel Executive Committee and recruiting volunteers as necessary for the successful operation of the event;
  • Presenting the Bonspiel Budget to the League Executive.  The Event shall be self-funded with no load costing to the League;
  • Presiding at all Bonspiel Executive Meetings;
  • Overseeing all Bonspiel operations and preparing bonspiel reports to the League Executive as required;
  • Approaching the League Executive to coordinate issues of common interest/shared responsibility;
  • Present a follow-up report to the Executive after each OTRB Bonspiel;
  • He/she to coordinate the transition with the incoming Bonspiel Chairperson;
  • Provide all league records associated with the role of Bonspiel Chair to the Secretary for record-keeping and long-term retention.


This role would be responsible for the league’s social media (Instagram, Facebook), as well as the content of the website and the e-mails from the Executive to the membership.


This role would be responsible for managing opportunities for league members to improve their skills, including curling clinics and strategy sessions.


a) These individuals cannot stand for elective positions and are appointed for the next season by the executive.

  • Webmaster: Is a non-voting member of the executive and is appointed annually by the current League Executive.  The Webmaster shall maintain the website of the League and is responsible for:   
  • Procure a website on behalf of the League and liaise with the service provider;
  • Maintaining the website;
  • Liaise with other Executive Members as to the content of the website;
  • Provide a means for the Executive to communicate with the membership via the Website and a bulk newsletter;
  • Work with the Membership Coordinator to ensure the membership information, including email address, phone numbers are correct for current members of the League;
  • Be familiar with internet website and basic graphic design.   They should also keep current with changes to Internet design practices;
  • Provide all league records associated with the role of Webmaster to the Secretary for record-keeping and long-term retention.

Nomination/Elections Chair  Is a non-partisan member of the League who is appointed to conduct the annual election of the Executive Committee of the League.   The chair may not themselves stand for election, and may not be a voting member of the current Executive Committee.   They are responsible for;

  • Chairing and conducting the annual election of the Executive in a fair and transparent manner.  The election itself will be by secret ballot (electronic or otherwise), and the results will be publicly announced at the end of the election process prior to the start of the new operating year;
  • Gathering nominations from the current membership and notifying nominees and verifying that they will stand for election.  The Chair will allow for a reasonable amount of time for soliciting nominations;
  • Notify all members of the nomination and election procedures in advance of the nominations and election process;
  • Provide all league records associated with the role of Nomination/Elections Chair to the Secretary for record-keeping and long-term retention.